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We are proud to be one of the longest running urban farms in Calgary. We are happy and thankful to be supported by YYCGrowers & Distributors, the Young Agrarians and other wonderful Calgarians!


Growing ethics

At R&R farms, we focus on a style of regenerative farming called no-dig. This method of farming is about disrupting the soil as little as possible to promote soil health and microbial life.
The 4 main principles we follow are:

1) No tilling/minimizing disturbance.

2) Keeping roots in the soil.
3) Covering the soil with plants or mulches.

4) Feeding the soil with composts.


In our farming practice the only thing we add to the garden is beautiful compost, some egg shells, and worm poop!

We are 100% organic and provide our plants a happy home to grow.



The “farm” is spread out among 10 different plots mainly in the Central NE-SE from around Renfrew to Ogden. Pictured left is our main plot around 515 meters squared located next to the Centre for Spiritual Living. This plot is where 95% of the produce for our summer CSA program is grown.



Root and Regenerate Urban Farms (formerly known as Dirtboys) was founded by Dennis Scanland: past president of YYC Growers and Distributors, and current operator of SunnyCider. He took his love of gardening and spending time with his two boys and made it his job.

Michael Gavin (pictured right) has since taken over and continues to pursue the effort of helping you all grow amazing fresh food!


I grew up always out in nature, camping or playing with bugs in the yard. My family gardened since before I was born and I started early. One of my favourite places was the greenhouse my dad built, in the winter it could covert into a mobile ice fishing shack!

I have BSc in Ecology from the University of Calgary and have enjoyed working in pollinator research. 
Research, while great, didn’t feel impactful enough for me and so I started moving towards regenerative farming. With regenerative farming I’m able to implement and directly address the ecosystem problems we face today while improving food security.


Say hello!

(587) 215-1707

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